I couldn't resist this picture when I saw it! It just goes to show you how much of a visibility factor the color pink has.
As I was trying to look ahead to Sunday's weather to figure out what to wear, the color pink popped into my head. I realized I hadn't worn pink since we had our women's running team, so many years ago now it seems.
We called ourselves the Pink Ladies. Surveys were showing at that time that the color pink was more visible to drivers, so all the running info was touting wearing pink for safety. We had other ideas on why to wear pink. We wore white singlets and hot pink shorts, four or five of us, depending on who ran, and we soon learned that those pink shorts made it easy to pace each other and keep track of our teammates in large races. Not only that, we got many comments from others in the race saying how they paced off us "Pink Ladies," thus the name. We were visible. We were noticed.
So I'm thinking of wearing pink again, and realizing that for the first time in a long time, I don't worry about blending into the background. I don't mind if I'm seen on the course. I know I won't be in the front of any pack, but I'm not worried about being in the back either. I just want to be visible to show that I'm having a great time and happy to be out running and enjoying myself!
I also want to be visible to the people I haven't met yet through this blog or e-mail who will be coming to our city for this great race. I'm going to wear pink at the expo too, so you can find me easily, and pink on the course so we can wave at each other as you pass by me.
Great idea!! I'm sure that everyone will want to meet you and now they will know what to look for. I've never seen a pink tractor before!! :-)
I heart pink..you know I still have that Pink Penguins running hat from 1999...
Pink is my favorite!! If I owned a tractor it would be pink :) And good for you wearing pink to stand out!! I love that attitude. You'll do great in the race and I can't wait to hear about it.
Amazing tractor.. haven't seen a pink one either.
We will be looking for you in pink.
Excited to be there.
Thanks again for the wonderful race course pictures.
That tractor ROCKS. Pink, got it, I'll be looking for it.
Getting excited!!!!!
Pink Ladies...how cute! I'm still trying to blend in :D
Go FoR iT iN pInK!
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