You can certainly tell that fall is finally here. Our temperatures have cooled quite a bit from last week, and today was one of those cold, rainy days when all you want to do is stay inside. Naturally, that doesn't mean me. I don't know if I'm going through "taperitis" or just have more energy than I know what to do with, but with concentrating on the running only, I suddenly have all this energy and free time I don't remember having in like FOREVER.
Saturday, after my run, I actually set out to clean the house, something I haven't had time to do since spring, it seems. It was a good day to bring in my plants from outside (before the poor babies froze!), vacuum up the hopeful cobwebs, and change out the summer silk flower arrangements with the fall flowers. And oooh, the smell! I finally got around to putting out the fall candles and Bath and Body Works room scents with the pumpkin spice room scent. Umm, the house smells so nice!
Saturday evening, Don and I decided to go out to use my birthday gift card to a downtown "Italian" restaurant, Tres Cuigini. I couldn't help but compare it to the Italian restaurant when we went to New York, the one in North Jersey. Actually, there was no comparison. While the ambience was great--we had a window seat overlooking our "mall" right across from the new Art Museum and the outdoor amphitheater--the menu and food left a lot to be desired. And the bill was outrageous! $78 for 2 meals, an added salad, and 2 glasses of wine. Yikes! And what did we get for that? Salmon with peas and a few roasted potatoes. I can make better at home. Cross that restaurant off my list of places to visit.
We did see an interesting site while waiting for our dinner: a group of young boys carrying a huge Chinook salmon they had caught in the river nea

After that, we went to the pumpkin patch. And naturally, just as we were heading there, it decided to start raining. We went here last year. I barely remember it, because it was just less than a month after my accident. So it was a milestone for me to be able to maneuver around the whole place without feeling like I needed a walker.
The kids had fun picking out their pumpkins, playing with the kittens, and eating cider and donuts. It doesn't get any better in the fall, does it?
Oh! I love the pumpkin patch photos. what memories that brings back....
The pumpkin patch!! That's what I miss about the mainland. We used to go to Half Moon Bay every year for pumpkins. It's not the same going to a patch in shorts and a tank top .
What a great weekend!! Send some of that energy my way will ya?!?! :-)
oh you are so nice. imagine my kids' dismay when i came home from the grocery store with pumpkins instead of taking them to the pumpkin patch this year! unlike you, who has energy to spare - i can't seem to muster it up. must be the taper.
but, this is the best weather - so invigorating ...
and, you learn something new everyday - cause i had no idea you had salmon in michigan!
Yes, Fall is definitely in the air. It's too bad this change didn't happen a week earlier for Chicago. But at least it came. We need to do the Pumpking patch yet too. Those are always some of my favorite pics!!
My house is wishing I had your energy!
Salmon and pumpkins! What a fun weekend! (I didn't know you had salmon, either.)
Wishing you could come and keep me company while I clean my house....
I went to Tres Cucini (or however its spelled) once a few years ago. It sucked. I can't believe its still in business! Too bad b/c its a nice space and good location.
Just tried a new restaurant in East GR on Cherry St. - The Green Well. It was good with a great beer selection.
Also, I forgot to tell you - the Hello Kitty cake was homemade but I had one a couple years ago from Forest Hills Foods that was really cute and tasted fantastic!
Love the photos- fall in the midwest.
I too am in a nesting/don't-want-to-leave-the-house mode and want to clear out cupboards and closets! But darn it-it won't RAIN here, so I just have to pretend.
The pumpkin patch pictures are great!
As are the other water pix-Thanks!
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