Short version: 2:46:25.
Long version: later. With pictures!
My "A" goal was 2:40. My "B" goal was 2:45. My "C" goal was 2:50, and my only real goal was under 3 hours. So I guess I achieved a B- goal.
Had I done 2:30, it would have been miraculous. Had I done 2:40, it would have been awesome. 2:45 would have been fantastic. But even so, it was miraculous that I was alive to run; awesome weather that we had; and fantastic that I made it! I am grateful, thankful, and lucky.
And I was able to meet up with some fellow bloggers: Sunshine and TriEric.
Can't wait to give the details!
Nicely done!! Can't wait for the long version with pictures. :)
Good job!!! Waiting eagerly for the long version.
Way to go girl!!
Great job! I'm looking forward to the report!
Great job! You were just a few minutes off that B goal. Next year will be better than ever!
Great Job!!!
WOW...you rocked that race. I wish I could have seen you, but perhaps next time. I'll be back to run the race next year FOR SURE!
Great job!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!
OH GREAT!!! You did awesome. Looking forward to the report :D
woo hoo!!! can't wait to read your report ... but me & the vino are getting reaquainted & so i'll have to read tomorrow@!!!!
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