Sunday, August 19, 2007


That was the temperature yesterday morning, air and water, when Don attempted to do a 1.75 mile Lake Michigan swim event. The event was cancelled due to the possibility of, imagine this, hypothermia!

I actually saw someone running yesterday morning with tights and a hat with the ear flaps down! Let's see, what month is this?? That's carrying it a little too far. Must have been an out-of-towner: we don't wear tights around here until January!

My planned bike ride was going to be cold, and I really wasn't into it mentally, but I set out with good intentions, only to have the whole thing thwarted by: 1. construction of a bridge overpass right on the bike path, meaning they totally blocked the bike path and the road surrounding it with their trucks and heavy equipment, and 2. a fatal accident on (next to actually, a shared, closed off road) the bike path--a car crash that is. So that whole area was blocked off with the investigation. Creepy. Glad I didn't find the car! So I didn't get far, and instead headed back to the park and chatted with people I haven't seen in a while. Then I went to the gym with the intention of swimming but ended up doing 1 hour on the elliptical instead! Didn't expect to do that.

This change in weather around here is always inevitable this time of year. It always seems to happen about 2 weeks before school starts back up, and then when school starts, summer returns. I don't expect it to be cold next week in Louisville though! I still need to get cell numbers and any other info from those bloggers I hope to meet up with, so watch for my e-mail!


Unknown said...

48deg sounds PERFECT for running. I'm envious!! Now, I'm not sure I'd want to swim in those temps...but run...YES!!

Anonymous said...
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zanne said...

oooh ... i'd do anything for 48 degrees right now. agree with lisa - that is just dreamy running weather! this 90 at 5:00 am is getting really tired. i don't know what the weather here is supposed to be next weekend ... will do a 10 day forecast thing on hopefully, it will cool off a bit!

IronWaddler said...

I love this weather!! I can't wait to see you in Louisville-I get in on Friday night.

Larissa said...

Wow. Its cold up in your neck of the woods. For August anyway. Louisville should be a return to summer. Have a blast!!

Cindy Jo said...

Great running weather - not so good for cycling!

About the Illini 1/2 - I've heard nothing but great things about it. Very small & low-key, which I love. That area is FLAT from what I remember. I went to school in Champaign which isn't too far from there (U of IL) so I would love to head back there for a tri. Plus it is only $90!