Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today was one of those miracle days we get so rarely in the winter: sunshine and almost 60 degrees! Woo hoo! I had planned to run in the morning, but it was raining AND we had a high wind advisory. I don't really know how much wind there was, but the combination of the two didn't thrill me enough to get up and get dressed to go out in the dark, especially when I knew it was going to be warm and sunny by lunch time.
I headed out, without shorts however, since I didn't believe it was going to really feel like 60 degrees--60 degrees when you still have many inches of snow on the ground does not feel as warm as 60 degrees does when it is dry.
But surprise, surprise! It really was warm. Right away. Not that "its warm once you get warmed up" feel, but right away. And while I had checked the wind speed before going out (7-8 mph they said), clearly that was recorded somewhere other than the downtown area. Going out, heading north again, it was fine, but I could feel the gusts hitting me from the west and the strong southerly breeze from behind. Where else would we be getting that warm air after all? Today, however, I did much better with the wind than Saturday, even though it was pretty much the same--20-35 mph. It was only a short, lunchtime run, so there really was no way to avoid the wind, so I just gutted it out, enjoying the moments when it was calm, and putting my head down when it was gusting. It wouldn't have mattered if it was a tornado, just to have that sunshine that has been missing for so long was such a treat. I did notice though that the sidewalks that still had snowpiles on them Saturday were almost clear today.
Weekly Wrapup, Week 5, 2009 Triathlon Training (last week):
  • Sunday: 45 min. Spin, 1 mile swim (43:21--my slowest in a LONG time);
  • Monday: Weights; 2 mile run;
  • Tuesday: Swim 1/2 mile; run 3 miles;
  • Wednesday: off due to that rib problem;
  • Thursday: off due to that rib problem;
  • Friday: off due to a dead battery (the car, not me!);
  • Saturday: 7 on the 7th.

Monthly gym challenge totals from January showed I BEAT JAN! Woo hoo! On the swim distance and run distance anyway. The swim is a given, but the run is unusual.

Update on 200 situp challenge: Got behind a little last week but am up to 125. I have lost about a half inch on the waist. Part of that is from the situps, part of it is the other workout regimen, and part of it is strictly watching what I've been eating and drinking for the last 2 weeks at least. I find once you get about 2 weeks into any "diet" that it starts becoming more of a habit to either pick the right foods or eat more of the right foods.

Sleeping has been much better as well, taking the melatonin every night. I think I mentioned this, but if not, what I am finding is I fall asleep easier and even if I wake up I go back to sleep readily. I have been taking three 3mg tablets a night. I don't know if there is any magic dosage to take, but that works for me.

And now I'm into Week 6, 2009 Triathlon Training. This weekend is the indoor triathlon, so my schedule is lighter than other weeks. The real work isn't going to start until next month anyway, so for now its just base building.

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!


Shannon said...

I hope the "rib problem" ceases and your on to the training front. How is the baby?

Calyx Meredith said...

The sunshine sounds like it was icing on the cake with all the other good going on for you! Yay! Have fun at the indoor tri.

Tammy said...

Cool a 200 sit up challenge, I can do a 100 but never tried 200. I hope your ribs feel better.

Unknown said...

Good job on the situp challenge and the decrease in waist measurements!

jeanne said...

excellent work all around! sooo impressed with the situp challenge! if ONLY i could stick with someone for more than 5 minutes!

hope the rib problem resolves itself.

ShirleyPerly said...

Amazing warm weather up there! Glad you had a chance to run outside. Sounds like you're on your way to bikini season with all those situps.

Best of luck on your indoor tri this weekend!